Amanda Pohl with her family on their front porch

Amanda Pohl is an experienced executive leader with local, state, and national organizations. Most recently, Amanda worked to make voting more accessible through vote-by-mail for people across the country. As an executive, she has had to manage teams, understand and follow various federal, state, and local laws, and solve problems to serve others.

Amanda is a social work educator, building and teaching courses for graduate schools across the U.S., and runs a consulting business supporting businesses, non-profits, and political candidates. She served on the Virginia Fair Housing Board until September 2023. Amanda’s most recent experience includes CEO/Executive Director of a nonprofit and self-employed as a business consultant, where she specializes in strategy, process, and performance.

Amanda also served as a national Director of Programs to recruit and support women in political leadership and supported domestic violence and sexual assault response agencies – including helping agencies stay open and serving clients during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this role, she also built an online data system that complied with competing federal regulations. This system saved domestic violence agencies tens of thousands of dollars each year and helped them meet funding requirements. She worked with a statewide grassroots organizing non-profit to help people directly affected by issues in government advocate for themselves. Amanda served as her sorority’s National President from 2017-2020. Locally, she is a lifetime member of the Chesterfield NAACP and served on the chapter’s Executive Board from 2020-2022.

Amanda holds an MSW with a focus in Administration, Planning, and Public Policy, an MDiv with a focus on Pastoral Counseling, an MS in Patient Counseling. She received her B.A.s in political science and philosophy from Virginia Tech. She’s a proud mom of two great kids and has been happily married for more than 20 years.